Friday, 19 February 2016

Pat's Camera Cake

Someone asked me to send a photo of the cake that I brought along tonight.

Field Camera Cake,
I have been interested in photography for many years, but haven't really done anything about it until now. I made up a couple of photo-books of favourite photographs of my son aged 0-10 and 11-21 and noticed that the later photographs, from my digital camera, were not nearly as sharp as the old ones, from the film camera. This was the trigger to buy a better camera and join a photo club to learn how to use it. I tried another club first but it wasn't for me, so I came along to Aldridge PS and felt at home straight away.
I love photography, but my first love is cake! I spent several years learning sugarcraft and although I haven't run a business I have made upward of 300 cakes for friends, family and school. So when my birthday rolled around I brought along a cake to the club, either to go in the raffle or share. Of course the consensus of opinion was to eat it on the night. It needed a photographic theme, so I chose one of the beautiful old field cameras in a wooden case. The bellows were troublesome, something modern, black and plastic would probably have been easier. The photographs are almost the right era as they are of my Mum who is coming up to 92.
Me and my Panasonic FZ1000 have had some success in the competitions already and have been encouraged by the friendly atmosphere at Aldridge PS. The judge was more positive than I had expected about my entries and made some useful comments. The thought I take away is "you can read your picture from left to right, like text". It hadn't occurred to me that some images may appear more balance if flipped. So many things to remember - still it keeps the brain active!

Pat Osbourne

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