Sunday, 3 August 2014

Following in Tony's Footsteps

We happened to be passing Dungeness on our travels and I recalled Tony Davis mentioning a good photo opportunity site. So, imitation being the greatest form of flattery, here are some of my efforts that were inspired by Tony.

The fish and chips were good too!!

David Williams


  1. This area is a photographer's dream, we met a chap who lived locally and been going to take pictures for over 10 years and still getting different images. I see they've cleaned up the graffitti on the boats, but still a nice set of images David, well seen.

  2. Hi David
    Was that with your new Nikon D610

    1. Yep! I must say, it's a fantastic camera. Even my old 70-300 gives good results. Just got an 18-35 to go with my 50mm and the telephoto. Did you go down the 24-70 route?

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