Tuesday 1 May 2012

In Search of Bluebells

It's the time of year when many of us are searching for the perfect sites for bluebells. It seems that the weather is against us as there have been some reports of bluebells in bloom early but also sighs of disappointment as the flowers are looking bedraggled in the wettest drought on record.

Merrions Wood Walsall

The following walks have been advertised in the press:

Merrions Wood Bluebell Walk Every day until May 12th 11 am -12. Meet at the Chapel Lane Entrance.  The walk is free but Merrions Wood is accessible to the public all the time so there is no need to join the group if you prefer to explore alone. 

Weston Park: Bluebell Walk Sunday 6th May
Join Head Gardener Martin Gee for a 3 and a half mile walk through carpets of bluebells, avenues of azaleas and Capability Brown's Pleasure Grounds.
Walks start at 10.30am and 2pm with admission payable on the day in the Granary Farm Shop Adults £5.00  Seniors £4.50

Beaudesert Scout Camp Bluebell Walk
The walk will be  guided by Mike Street OBE, Chairman of Beaudesert Trust. The woodlands on the site come alive with thousands of bluebells under the dappled shade.  Contact Emma or Anne on 01785 619185 for further details.  

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